You know what would be great?

Leaving school before it gets too dark outside to go for a walk (instead of correcting until bedtime).

Hey Chatgpt, how can I…”

Seriously. You’re sick of feeling drained on Monday morning.

(And Chatgpt has been no help. Thanks for nothing, AI.)

But you need to figure out some kind of balance before you become one of those cranky teachers, hanging on ‘til summer and “sticking it out for the benefits”.

You’re only 35, for crying out loud.

Brace yourself for a truth bomb: Sometimes being a teacher sucks.

What sucks the most?

Never-ending correcting?

Writing report cards?

Writing ALPs, IEPs and wishing you had time to pee?


What sucks the most is sitting with your family (or your furbabies, friends, or yourself) and instead of relaxing and living life, your teacher brain won’t shut off and let you enjoy the present moment.

I must have missed the part in the BEd brochure where they talked about how much of your time and mental energy would be spent worrying about other people’s kids.

But it comes with the job and, these kids deserve the best teacher.

That’s what you try to give them every day. But trying to be that teacher means your evenings and weekends are filled with school-related stuff, instead of quality time for you and your family.

You’ve tried to problem-solve this by:

  • Asking your teacher-friends for tips on work-life balance (but that turns into a vent-fest)

  • Reading time-hacking blogs and listening to organizational podcasts

  • Numbing out with chocolate and online shopping (enjoyable, yes, helpful…not so much)

    You know there’s got to be a better way and you’re going to find it.

Hi there! I’m Krystal.

And I help teachers (like you) with tons of goals and dreams, get control of your time so you have the space, energy, and confidence to prioritize what YOU want and need without worrying that you’re letting everyone else down.

I can help you get your evenings and weekends back so you can have more balance between home and school and enjoy a satisfying life outside of the classroom.

krystal mills coaching mindset coach canada

A few years ago, I was exactly where you are.

Googling what else I could do with a Master’s of education (we didn’t have fancy AI back then).

I wasn’t feeling the same passion for the classroom (which was terrifying) and I was overwhelmed with all the home stuff (wishing I had the energy to do a workout like I used to).

There was never enough time, and I wasn’t feeling like myself, but I didn’t know why.

Teaching wasn’t fun anymore and I was feeling burned out.

I was exhausted and drained and I wanted more.

More energy.

More balance and time for myself.

More walks and fresh air.

More fun.

And I wanted to feel like I had more of a life outside of the classroom.

And that’s when I found life coaching.

Coaching helped me find my way out of burnout and gave me an inside view of what keeps teachers stuck.

Looking back, it wasn’t just the regular demands of the job and life making me feel overwhelmed.

It was the super high standards I held myself to. Always working harder, staying up late, and striving for better.

A big part of why I was burned out was my perfectionism and beliefs about what makes a good teacher (and a good mom).

And once I could shine a light on those things, everything changed.

You don’t need all the time management hacks, a perfectly balanced schedule, and secrets to do more in less time.

  • You actually need fewer things on your list.

  • Help instead of hacks.

  • Boundaries over bubble baths (although baths are nice too).

And you need space to figure out what beliefs you hold about being a good teacher/mom/wife/daughter/human that are keeping you stuck in overwhelm, always prioritizing everyone else over what you need.

That’s where I can help.

I’m a teacher. A mom. A wife. A certified life coach. (And perfectionist in recovery). And I’ve been where you are.

Waking up to your alarm, seriously considering a mental health day (but finding a sub and making your sub-plan is more draining than just going to work).

It can feel like you’re failing because:

  • You’re not spending enough time with your kids, or your husband.

  • You haven’t reached that one student (plus you’re buried under planning and correcting).

  • You know you need rest, fun, exercise, quiet, joy, and connection, and you’ve been neglecting it all (awesome, you’re failing yourself, too).

    But you don’t have to feel like that anymore.

There are a bazillion online coaches these days. How do you know I’m the right one for you?

  • I’ve been a teacher for 17+ yrs and I totally relate to the struggles of managing a classroom + life

  • My own experience with burnout + my own high standards and perfectionism, mean I know what it’s like to feel stressed, not just from teaching, but from the pressures you place on yourself

  • I’m an Associate Certified Coach with 100’s of hours coaching + all the training, skills, and strategies needed to help you see your blind spots and figure out a plan to get you results

  • My Master’s degree in Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment means I can jump into the role of “instructional coach” to help you with prepping and planning

  • Mostly, I care. I know what it’s like to go through burnout and an amazing teacher like you deserves to have a fun life you love, so you can keep rocking it in the classroom (and in life, too).

I was able to take my time back and have an awesome life outside of the classroom. You can do the same.

I can help you:

  • Identify when high standards or unhelpful thoughts are stealing your time and energy (and choose something different).

  • Figure out how to shut off your teacher brain and leave at contract time (but also feel more content about work).

  • Find time for regular date nights, workouts, walks, hanging out with your kiddos, reading, crafting, meditating, and being present in your own life.

If you’re ready to get started, CLICK HERE to book your free “Take Back Your Time” strategy session (and I’ll take care of the rest).

You’re still here, so how about a few fun facts?